Who knew
that I could love Scouts? Certainly not
me…certainly not the lady who was in Cub Scouts years ago when my grown son was
a baby and hated, yet endured, every minute of it. When the bishopric came and welcomed us into
our new home over a month ago and asked what callings I loved and which had
been my least favorite, my first response was that I loved Young Womens and that
Nursery, though I had loved every minute of that year that I had served there,
was not huge on my hope to serve there again calling list, but back in my mind
I was also thinking, “Oh, please, not Cub Scouts.”
Shock to all
get out when I was called, though I had had the feeling for a week that Cub
Scouts was coming. I told the first
counselor that I wasn’t a Scouter, but that I would learn and that I could do
anything that Heavenly Father wanted me to do and I chose to go forth with that
attitude. Let me reemphasize the word
chose, because it very much was a conscious decision on my part, I was
determined to do good by my new calling and by Heavenly Father.

I didn’t
know that when I was answering yes to a calling that was very close to one of
the lowest on my list of must have callings would turn out to be God’s way of
giving me friends and helping me to feel so much a part of a ward that is MY
ward, and My ward family. I’m so
grateful for Cub Scouts, that most dreaded calling that I already am so in love
with and for the choice that I made to have a determined and joyful attitude
when called, because I couldn’t have known then that in so doing God was trying
to bless me with everything, and everyone that I needed. Who would have known? Certainly not me.
Congratulations in your new calling. Those scouts are so lucky to have you for their leader. You are awesome!