I’ve tried
to sit back, I really have. I’ve tried
to be the polite one who shared her views quietly as I blogged about sweet
things, of hope and love, and God. I’ve
shared small quiet opinions on Facebook as I have shared others blogs and posts
and by doing so I thought that I was being polite and kind. I thought that I was doing my best to spread
joy by not spreading controversy, but today as I was reading yet another blog
by another person other than myself who seemed to put everything that I felt so
perfectly into words for me, I realized that I wasn’t being polite or kind, I
was being cowardly and hiding the testimony that is me, even if it might offend
someone. I need to use my voice even if
all it accomplishes is to make someone mad.
I cannot profess to have a testimony if the only way I share it is in
the quiet confines of my safe little home with others who feel the same way as
me. No fear of rejection, maybe, but no
voice in a world that so desperately needs more.
Most of you
know that I am a mother of six crazy kids.
I try to be a great mother, my most important job, but I am human and
fail quiet regularly, and my kids are human and fail quiet regularly too…that
being said, I’ve mostly stuck to the pleasant times in my life, or the
testimony building times in my life in this blog. Some of you may not know that I at times
struggled to have those sweet kiddos of mine.
After Luke we had a very unexpected pregnancy, he was only three months
old, but after lots of, “oh craps”, we accepted, moved on and even became
excited. Three months later on the move
back to Utah I lost said baby. At that
point that baby was already mine and the loss was hard. It took 18 months more of trying and praying
and several early miscarriages later before we conceived Jenny.

I’ve had
sister in laws who have struggled much worse than me, trying so desperately,
going from one doctor to the next, spending day and night on their knees just
to get the chance to be a mother. And
the heartbreak that I have seen on their faces says it all, childhood is a
gift, a gift that so many don’t seem to understand.
Where am I
going with this, well, I think you all know?
When Jason and I were first married and first pregnant with our first
baby Luke, we lived far from home in a state very unfamiliar for us without the
use of a cell phone and long distance being so much money. I was young and naive and completely unaware
of what to do next. Looking for a place
to come across discretely a pregnancy test I looked in the phone book and came
across the name, “Planned Parenthood.”
Now this was 22 years ago and I was very innocent and in my mind those
words described me perfectly, someone trying to plan parenthood. I would like to say the pregnancy test was
free…but it wasn’t. It cost the same as
it would have in the store, but it was discrete and very quiet. Had I known then what I know now, I never
would have gone.
Parenthood is the Devils business. By walking
through those doors I was in the Devil’s house even if not aware. And times have changed and the world has
grown and eyes have been opened and everyone is aware, well accept maybe our
very little ones who are still slightly protected from this world. No one in America can any longer claim
innocence like I could 22 years ago, media and the internet have changed
that. We all know who Planned Parenthood
is and what they are about. They are
about the Devil’s work, destroying innocent lives before they have a chance to flourish
or fail per their God given right, and destroying the most sacred institution
in this world the family. If you enter
Planned Parenthood you are entering the Devil’s house. If you work for Planned Parenthood you are
working for the Devil’s business. And if
you have any excuses for it you are making excuses for the Devil himself, you
are doing the Devil’s work.
There is no
longer a grey line, a magic haze between right and wrong that is easy to sway
one way or another to fit our whims and selfish desires. When Planned Parenthood was ousted as baby
killers that line was no longer grey but black and white and when the media hit
with the sale they are making of these innocent victims body parts that only
come after the horrible murder of ones too tiny to fight for themselves the
magic haze disappeared entirely letting light, or maybe more accurately darkness
shine in on the whole deal.
If you’ve
ever been a mother, you cannot look at a little newborn in your arms and not
know, if even just for one little second, that there is something, or someone
greater working in the making of that child.
And if you’ve ever been a mother struggling with the fear or even loss
of losing a child, you cannot logically say that that life didn’t matter, even
in the few minute cells that it was in its very first beginnings. And if you’ve ever been a mother struggling
so hard and praying so long just for the chance to be a mother, you cannot
possibly understand how someone, shellfish or inconvenienced or hurt could ever
think it alright to destroy something so precious.
I don’t care
who you are, what your views are, or how I might hurt your feelings…if you
support Planned Parenthood, well then you are doing your little bit today to
help the Devil along his way. And if I
keep shut about how I feel about it, well maybe, just maybe I am doing the
Wow! Amazing post!