Facebook is so sensational that I don’t even want to look. Other times you are stuck for so many hours
in the car with nothing to do that you can’t help but to thank your lucky stars
for that great invention, well…that and Pinterest. I’ve been getting tired of the share this and
share that attitude as of late, sure there actually is some blogs and some
recipes that I am so thrilled that people share, even a few of those too funny
cartoons, but mostly I would much rather see what is going on in your lives…yes
you…the people that I really love and care about not some crazy person that I
don’t know from some place that I will never visit, well unless that crazy
person is me and you don’t know me and will never visit me and somehow you have
happened across my blog and in that case, most definitely read it and certainly
share it all over Facebook.
That having
been said I did come across the most awesome share on Facebook that led to an
immediate buy and download to my Christmas playlist and I just have to share it
with you. Get passed the whole “Jimmy”
part at about the five minute mark and just listen to the song. I
loved it strangely enough!
Then there
was this that very quickly went to my playlist…much more beautiful than Joel
the Lump of Coal.

The girls couldn't stop taking pictures of the waves. Gotta love smart phones.
Huntington Beach Pier
We played so
hard in the ocean that at night I fell into bed, as pro as I am riding the
waves I was equally as pro at crashing to sleep at night. The first day was very calm and Megan and I
and Nan all saw stingrays swimming through the water. The second day both Megan and I stepped on
those stingrays to feel them slip away under our feet. Suzy and Nan were not so lucky. What are the chances that two of my girls
within an hour of each other would get stung by rays…well they did and let me
tell you they were in pain. Suzy’s pain
only climbed past her ankle, but Nan’s sting was so much deeper and sent pain
all the way to her hip. Let me tell you,
I got it about six years back and the pain you feel from the poison, well let’s
just say as tough as I am it almost brought me to tears. I was so proud of Nan though. Jason bought some solar cane (Numbing Crap)
and it didn’t work, but she knew it was her last day so she pulled herself into
the water, limping, tears running down her cheeks and all, so she didn’t have
to miss out on one more minute of the ocean.
It made me realize just how strong my no longer so little girl really
is. When she was little she struggled in
school, first with being so shy that the teachers all worried about her and
then with her grades. What did she
decide to do, work her butt off and now she is my crazy, happy, so very
confident and extremely outgoing and friendly A student. What helped her decide that? What made her take that on herself? Because that is what she finally did, decided
who she was and made the changes to be that person. My once skinny armed can’t lift a jug of milk
little girl now throws around huge pro subs like they were nothing. I get Jenny being able to do that, she is
like me and naturally really muscly, but not Nan and now look at her. What drives that?
The last
several months have been insane as we, all Americans and really the rest of the
world, have waited to see what would and did transpire over the chaos and
finally the grand jury decision in Ferguson Missouri. What decided that for those people to go
crazy? Sure, what was happening around
them seemed unreal and for some unjust, but what caused them to join in and
start destroying the very town that they live in, the very people that support
them? I cannot begin to understand where
that much hate and animalism behavior comes in.
It seems so against the very nature that God put in us. How does something created by light become so
dark? I’ve asked myself that over and
over and then I looked at my children, playing in the ocean or at the Aquarium
of the Deep, laughing and giggling with each other and realized that some of
what God created still is good and still is filled with light.
How do we
keep that light when so much chaos and so much insanity is going on around
us? Isaiah 5:20 20 Woe
unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that count darkness as light, and
light as darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” What do you do when so many seem to be
looking for the bitter and throwing away all that is sweet? Do we just give up and join them? Human nature seems to point that way, so why
don’t we?

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