Could life
get any busier? Isn’t that awful that that
was the first thought that went through my mind last night at the FFA
Banquet? Jenny got up and sang a
beautiful rendition of Friends in Low Places…yes that’s right I said
beautiful. It was an FFA Banquet after
all, she had to sing something country, and well, yes, my daughter would pick
that song, and with her bluesy voice you almost forgot what the song was about…friends
in low places. Then Nan won The Star
Greenhand award. Yes smiling giggling
Nan who has to be to every FFA thing even if her group wasn’t in charge. Then of course came the selection of
officers. Nan’s office on the committee
is Auditor and Jenny, well Jenny got Secretary.
Now can you see why the thought that went through my mind was…”Can life possibly get any busier?” I was really excited for both the girls. How could I not be? But with Miss Nephi for the next year and a million FFA things, a daughter who is becoming a senior, Jason’s work, all of our dances, life as the Young Women’s President with a yearlong Youth Conference on a ward level, soccer season soon to start and oh, yeah, a wedding in June life is going to get even busier!
Somehow in
all of the craziness we will find time to have a lazy barbeque and even take
our kids to the local ponds here to swim.
Somehow I will find time to read another novel and do yard work, plant
the garden and just sit back and watch nature in its full beauty.
Now can you see why the thought that went through my mind was…”Can life possibly get any busier?” I was really excited for both the girls. How could I not be? But with Miss Nephi for the next year and a million FFA things, a daughter who is becoming a senior, Jason’s work, all of our dances, life as the Young Women’s President with a yearlong Youth Conference on a ward level, soccer season soon to start and oh, yeah, a wedding in June life is going to get even busier!
I saw a spot
on our local news about mom’s putting their kids in too many activities and how
our children get so involved in so many things that they don’t know how to
handle down time. How activities are
important but at the same time children need to remember how to be children and
sometimes their lives need to not be so structured. It talked about all the stress that these
children face that we didn’t use to face.
You know that mom that has their kid in everything? I sure do.
Every dance class, singing class, youth sport, craft class, acting
class, plays every instrument and in every school program that exists. I often wonder how that child can grow up to
be anything but an overly stressed adult who doesn’t know how to relax. I’m mean pick up a book already and snuggle
down, or better yet grab up the neighborhood kids and play an awesome game of
whiffle ball in the back yard. Ride your
bike, run through a sprinkler, sit and talk and talk some more.
Sure my
girls take piano and Sam and Steph play soccer but quite honestly by the time
soccer season was done and I had spent the last million weeks running from one
game to another, sometimes dividing my time running between two kids’ games
going on at the same time when Sam wanted to do football I thought that I would
die. But make it through we did, but I’m
telling you just barely. You add in
scouts and achievement days and Young Women’s and dances on the weekends and
every other normal routine I couldn’t help but wonder how not the children
survive but the moms who have their child in everything. You know it makes me tired even thinking
about it.
Summer is
almost here which means as always crazy things on the Gibson household and part
of me wants to cry when I think of it.
May is end of year everything with every school, whether it involves our
own kids’ school or others with our business or both, May is out of
control. Then we have an out of town family
reunion the first week of June, Sam’s Birthday and Luke’s wedding the second
week, girls camp the third week with Jason and my anniversary thrown in the
middle. Edurocross at the Fairgrounds,
and a car show in Fillmore the next week that we do sound for.
continues with a tornado of things to do.
4th of July the first week.
Stampede the second. Big Youth
Conference out of town Week the next.
Twenty fourth of July the next with Stephanie’s birthday.
August is
Cove Fort Days followed by Juab County fair the next week. The next week is the Miss Nebo pageant that
Jason does lights for two days for with the next week being Beaver County that
we do sound and photo booth for, for three days. And then of course back to school week for
our kids and back to school week for BYU which is crazy for two weeks.
Throw in on
top of all of that BYU activities all summer long that we do sound or giant
movie screen for and oh yeah, Miss Nephi. See Jenny's off today for her first of many Miss Nephi things, casual today as it may be, but... you get the drift. (Isn't she pretty though? :) )
Yeah I guess
I can’t understand why any mom, or child for that matter would want to heap so
much on their plates, when the plates all seem to be filling themselves up on
their own. Why would we want to pile
them so high that our body is at a buffet all of the time? You know what that would do, don’t you? Make us fat…very, very fat.
I’m grateful
for a mother who knew the importance of down time and relax time and most of
all family time. I have a husband who is
absolutely amazing but can never sit still…ever. When he doesn’t have a dance on the weekends,
which is only a few times a year, he goes stir crazy not having something to
do. And I am content just to sit here
and read a good book or chat in the front room.
And very little seems to stress me out in life and somehow I think that
goes with the ability to do nothing if the time allows. So here’s to finding time to do exactly that
this summer…nothing. Time to sit back
and enjoy all that Heavenly Father has given me and time to look inside a little
bit and look at who I am becoming. And I
wish you the same, because really the best things in life come when things are
quiet and we can really enjoy.
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