Let me just say
Jennifer Coolidge. Need I say more? Laughed my pants off. And part of what was so funny was watching
Agi laugh. Both of us to tears. Sorry to the ladies behind us but we just
couldn’t keep it in. The movie started
out a little slow and in reality the whole thing was pretty cheezy but the
moment Jennifer Coolidge stepped onto the screen I couldn’t hold it in. I had the best time and I am so thrilled my
friend is here for several months from Hungary.
Now if she could just get her car to work. She’s had the worst of luck but it gives me
an excuse to chauffer her back and forth to the mechanics.
Love having my friend back for a little while.
Oh and can I just say that my hubby is just like Mr.
Darcy. All you girls who ooh and aww
over Mr. Darcy, Jason is the dark brooding protective and total teddy bear of a
man when no one else is looking type, totally wrapped up in me and I am the
luckiest of women.
That is all!
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