Where have I been all of this time, you are probably
wondering. Well let’s see…months of town
celebrations with our business and family reunions on both sides of the family,
youth conference and girl’s camp and two nephews’ weddings and a brother in law’s
to boot. A little boy’s baptism, can you
believe my Sam is so old, oh and sending a boy off to college, can you believe
I am so old. Soccer games and two weeks
of canning all along with back to school gigs at BYU for those same two weeks.

This week things have slowed for a bit. The kids had a half day of school today so
the happy sounds of children came a little earlier today. Sam asked me this morning, “you were sad when
we went back to school, weren’t you. I
could hear it in your voice when we left.”
Of course I was, but boy was I ready for the normal routine to start
Motherhood continues to be the one thing that brings me the
most joy but seems to be the one thing I just haven’t gotten to be a pro at yet. Every child is so different and just when you
think you’ve got them down they change and grow a little bigger and have a
little more grown up of problems, and gosh darn it I’m still trying to figure
out my own problems yet.
I do however feel like I am becoming close to pro in some
other things. I am really good at
washing floors and scrubbing down those sticky granite counters, I’ve almost
got the fly problem under control, and oh, yes, my food storage is almost back
to full capacity only two years after living off of it solely for 18
months. Yes, almost no one is a better
food deal shopper than me. Two years to fill
up completely demolished food storage for 8 people all the while still feeding
those 8 people on around $400.00 a month.
And I am here to tell you, we eat really well too! I’m a pretty great cook. Not bad I must say.
So I guess I could either gloat over how great I am on those
few things or I could focus on how lousy I am on the others, but in reality I
think I am like everyone else. Stumbling
and failing and learning and soaring all at the same time, and oh yeah, that
fly problem, maybe I’ve not got that quite as under control as I thought. The same stupid fly has been buzzing my head
now for the last few minutes.

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