So how long has it been since I have written. Do we really even want to go into that? What can I say life has been crazy, a whirl
wind of a million awesome things! First
of all, my amazing nephew Bryan got married.
The first one of the cousins on either side of the family. We went to his wife’s bridal shower, my
sister in laws and my mom and me. It was
fun having the girls together, just wish that my sisters could have been there
too. Afterward on the way home, Annalee
and I took my mother who is in her mid-sixties to get her ears pierced. All these years and she has never gotten it
done. Can I just say that it was
awesome!! I use that word a lot,
awesome, but it was. And of course I
have the pictures to prove it. The lady
doing her ears must have thought us insane at first because the three of us
together get a little hyper, always have, but by the time we were done she was
giggling right along with us and thrilled to death to be part of the fun and
the pictures too.
“So help me if you touch that TV. I will smack you,” just
came through the front door right now as my little boy who had been sent
outside to pick up his bag of weeds that he left on the back lawn from weeding
this morning came in. Oh, a mother’s
Byan’s wedding was sweet and it was at the Salt Lake Temple. Crazy but Jason and I have never been past the front doors. We never could make it there together and we had promised each other that we wouldn’t go unless we went together. Work was crazy and one of the ladies that works under Jason had been gone all week taking care of a divorce that she was sadly going through and it didn’t look like she would be back on Friday for Jason to go. I didn’t want to break our promise not to go without the other but I couldn’t miss my nephew’s wedding.
God knew this. Silly
little thing but he knew by my prayers how important that was to me. Long and behold I got really sick the day
before and could barely hold myself upright.
Not that you would think that God would work by bringing me illness, but
he did and what a wonderful time to be sick.
I was taking my nephew’s wedding pics at the temple the next day. But that next morning I was completely well,
and could go to the wedding but I was like a limp noodle from being so ill the
day before. Jason called the lady at
work and told her the dilemma and she being the sweet person that she is said
she would be to work so Jason could help me take the pictures. See, God knew what he was doing when he made
me sick and even neater, when we were waiting for Bryan and Karen to come out
of the temple afterward, Dallin H. Oaks was there waiting too for his grandson
and new granddaughter in law to come out.
Kinda cool, huh?
Not that he is a perfect child, obviously not or he would
not have been coming into the house yelling that he was going to smack someone
if they had unpaused his TV. show while he went outside for a second. What can I say, he’s still a kid, but I was
sure proud of him.
Tomorrow is our family reunion on Jason’s side of the family
and I am really looking forward to it and the craziness of it all. Isn’t that how it always is when big families
get together? I can’t wait to sit around
with my sister in laws and talk around the campfire while all the cousins
giggle and play. Life couldn’t be
sweeter. Next week is girl’s camp and
chaos to get ready, but I know it will be one of those times when I will be
overflowing with gratitude and basking in the light that seems to shine
blinding off of my young women.
Summer will fly by before I know it, but hey my memories
will be here for me to look back on and school will soon be here with that many
more memories to share.
I know this picture doesn't really have anything to do with this post but doesn't it make Jenny's arm look ridiculously huge? Who knew that my daughter was a body builder!